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On My Desk

I'm most active on Facebook, but for those without an account, I've developed this page so you can still keep up with the major things happening on my desk. 
I hope to bring an update once a month. You can also keep up with me by following my weekly blog. You'll find a link to my blog and my Facebook page here.

November 2015: The offical launch for In the Shadow of Thy Wings has started this month. I'm now only 3 weeks away from the release date. Not only is this really exciting, it's also really hectic around here. I'm also slowly adding to the next book in the series. 


September 2015: The Relaunch for Where Can I Flee is coming to a close, but I'm gearing up for In the Shadow of Thy Wings' launch which begins in October. Most of my time is spent working on various advertisements for both books, connecting with readers, and editing Shadow. 

I'm excited to have a little spare time to write the 3rd book in the series, Out of the Ashes. 


August 2015: After months of revisions, Where Can I Flee re-releases. My most beloved story has just gotten even better and I couldn't be more excited! 

My debut novel is now in the early stages of it's relaunch were a whole new group of readers are holding it for the first time. 
Now that WCIF is off my desk, In the Shadow of Thy Wings is back out and going through its revisions and preparing for publication later this fall. It's still too soon to schedule a release date, so stay tuned. 

On the blog front, we've chosen the remaining covers for the Ancient Words Series, taken a look at women's clothing in the 1800s, compared study Bibles, and enjoyed a word of encouragement. 

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